Sunday, June 27, 2010

Creation, Oblivion and Man

Creation , Oblivion and Man

Before there was anything there was only creation and the void. The god Creation was humble and wise, he knew all and was capable of anything. Although he was immortal and knew all things, he wished for peace in a world of his own. He created Earth as his place of peace. With a mighty breath he created the sky, the winds would calm him as he rested. With his skin he created the soil which he would lie to rest upon. From his hair he created the trees to help shade him during his rest. From his ribs he created the mountains as cushions for his head. As he worked his sweat created the oceans and rivers that he was thankful for because that cooled his weary feet. Finally he created the Sun from his happiness and the moon from his sorrow. The stars were his tears that he scattered across the sky to remind of how he wished for peace. Before he slept he made four guardians to protect the void he came from and then for one hundred years he slept.

He awoke to the sound of the wind and the trees rustling and became bored with these things. So with his hands he swiped the air until in yielded many fowl. These birds sang to him as he went into another peaceful slumber.

As the days and years past the birds became lonely and stopped their singing. Creation woke from his slumber and pondered. He raised his hands and with a mighty clapped he created the herds. Powerful stags, beautiful doe, simple minded oxen and the cattle roamed as they pleased. The birds were thankful for this and they sang. Creation slept again.

Many days when by but again creation was awoken. The Birds did not chirp and the cattle did not roam. The birds, fauna and cattle were again lonesome with each other. Creation decided that they needed mischief to lift their spirits. So Creation howled loudly and laughed a hardy laugh. From his laughter spouted the monkeys, coyote and the snake. All the creatures began to laugh and shout with each other. As the cheerful celebration of humor and mischief continued creation was happy with his success and finally slept a deep slumber of accomplishment and peace.

Centuries went by and the animals of the earth played and laughed but they soon became angry with each others remarks. The Monkey mocked the birds of there songs, the oxen and cattle were tired of the snakes at there feet so they stomp the ground with ferocity, the fauna of the woods ran from the sounds of hate from the creatures, and the singing birds flew high in the sky to escape the chaos of the soil.

Again Creation was awoken but this time not from the wind or the birds but from the chaos of the creatures he created. So he traveled to the void and instructed his guardians, whom he named the Magnellion, to create from each piece of there body a final Guardian. The first gave its arm, the second a leg, the third a wing and the fourth an eye. From the pieces Creation forged a new Magnellion who had the power of the storm, the power of fearsome fire, control over the tide and the burning heat of the sun. Creation then instructed his final Guard to Maintain order over the Earth while he rested and it was done.

One thousand years went by as Creation slept, the Magnellion Guarded the void and the last Guard maintained order. The Last Guard over the years slowly became obsessed with completing his body. So as Creation slept, The guard of the earth came to Creations side and cut out his liver, bladder and tongue. The Last Guardian then used the tongue of Creation to name him self Oblivion and corrupt the four Magnellion guarding the void with new names. Arrogance, Lust, Hatred and Weakness. He used the Four to bring Chaos to Earth and begin a rebellion against Creation. He filled Creations Bladder with the powers of the void for he now had access to it. Then finally He swallowed the liver of Creation to gain immunity to the chaos he created.

Outraged Creation awoke for a final time. He swallowed two of each creature and the Four and Oblivion. Then Creation vomited them up in a great flood that destroyed all that rebelled against him. All the remained were the creatures he swallowed and the Four. Oblivion Stayed within the stomach of creation as a penalty to his greedy and betray. He used the four to hold up the sky and turn the stars at night as penalty for their corruption. The creatures that he vomited up that remained were allowed to live in instinct only to live and feed among themselves and only to survive. Finally Creation used his blood, muscle and wisdom as gifts to his final creation, Man. With his blood, muscle and wisdom they were instructed to created, build, sweat and always yearn for peace just as creation did for thousands of years.

Man fed from the land and from the creatures. They created and survived and soon became the predominant force among and beings and creation was happy. Creation never slept again and all that remained of him was his eyes. He used them to watch over the earth eternally and make sure that all his creations would never betray him again and as well to always keep a watchful glare on the stomach were Oblivion was banished to that now laid at the center of the world. Oblivion also was now Immortal just as Creation, laying alone forever.